March 9, 2012
Welcome to the Color Me A Season blog. Color Me A Season has a new Website up and running. Go check out what we have to offer.....www.colormeaseason.com
You may ask, "What is Color Me A Season"? Color Me A Season is an educational company that was founded in 1978 by Bernice Kentner. She was instrumental in helping others find their best colors. She has also helped thousands of others learn how to do color analysis. We hope that you enjoy learning about Seasons and Color Analysis through this blog.
What is Seasonal Color Analysis?
Seasonal Color Analysis is a study of your body coloring. It includes finding your harmony colors of hair, eyes, and complexion. This part of analysis is fairly easy, you can look in a mirror and know that your eyes are blue, brown, green, or hazel. There are thousands of variations of these colors. Which special hue is the perfect match to your eyes? Which colors can you wear that will be most flattering to your own, innate color personality? You say your hair is brown, red, or gray; but which shade of all those colors is the perfect match? Do you know which colors to wear to show off your hair? What color is your complexion? This is where you may need help of a qualified professional color consultant. Most of us know about warm and cool coloring, but how do you find out what you are? Color Me A Season sells a foundation tester kit that has 4 different shades of warm and cool foundations. This is sold specifically to color analysts to help them find what color complexions their clients have.
In the picture below you will see a client having the foundation test applied to her. Your analyst will pick which shades of the foundation tester kit to use. This will depend on how light or dark your skin is. Then she will apply a warm and a cool foundation. She will apply it with a cosmetic applicator or a cotton swab. When the foundation is applied, she will try to work in both colors. The color that goes into the skin will determine if you are warm or cool skin tone. Now other tests will need to be done to determine what season you are.