
Positive Traits:
- Listens carefully
- Speaks quietly
- Gentle
- Understanding
- Diplomatic
- Talented with hands
- Dry sense of humor
- Good imagination
- Easy Going
- Cheerful
- Dependable
- Practical
- Efficient
- Neat
Negative Traits:
- Slow to accept new ideas
- makes friends slowly
- Takes abuse silently
- Stubborn
- Punishes by silence
- Slow worker
- Gets tied up in details
- loves to tease
- Angelically innocent

Positive Traits:
- Natural Poise
- Truthful
- Loyal
- Good Listener
- Sensitive
- Creative
- Perfectionist
- Well mannered
- Analytical
- Faithful
- Dependable
- Self sacrificing
- Reserved
Negative Traits:
- Self centered
- Neglects friends
- Worries about what others think
- Lacks Confidence
- Pessimistic
- Expects perfection from others
- Dramatic over illness

Positive Traits:
- Curious
- Smiles Often
- Friendly
- Witty
- Good conversationalist
- Optimistic Empathy with others
- Empathy with others
- Tender-hearted
- Energetic
Negative Traits:
- Undecided
- Speaks without thinking
- Fails to plan ahead
- Takes on too many projects
- Overly talkative

Positive Traits:
- Makes decisions quickly
- Dependable
- Energetic
- Willing to work
- True to a cause
- Self disciplined
- Confident
- Plans ahead
- Organizer
- Leader
- Gets the job done
Negative Traits:
- Disagreeable
- Stubborn
- Easily irritated
- Hurts others feelings
- Takes over in group situations
- Takes criticism poorly
These lists were taken from the book "Color Me A Season" by Bernice Kentner, pg. 30-31.